Joomla! - How to Check Online Submissions

How to Check Form Submissions on Your Website


  1. Log into the backend of your (Joomla) website.
    1. To get to the backend, you simply need to add /administrator to the end of your url. For example:


  1. Hover above the menu option at the top called Components.
    1. From the drop-down menu, select RSForm! Pro.


  1. Click the magnifying glass icon (Manage Submissions)


  1. On the left hand side, you’ll see a filter.
    1. From the first drop down menu, select the form you’d like to look at (usually it would be the Contact Us form).


  1. The page will open up to a list of all the submissions made to date on that form. Ensure that you have received the submissions via email.
    1. If you find that you have missed multiple submissions, you may want to export the information to an Excel file.
      1. To do so, check the submissions you want to export and select the Export icon near the top left corner.


  1. Select the format you want the file to take (Excel works best).


  • You can uncheck any row you don’t need. (For example, most of us do not need to know the Submitter’s IP Address, Username, or User ID.)


  1. Click the Export button at the bottom.


  1. Log out of the backend of your website. You’re done!

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