Starting a small business takes guts and gusto, no matter what you’re selling. Between your time and your money, the investment is significant and there’s always a risk. Especially when you have such a meager budget, spending your money wisely is a must for small business owners; and just because your cash-poor doesn’t mean your marketing strategy has to look that way. Here are a few must-haves we recommend to make the best bang for your buck.

Logo Design

For the love of business, please start here. Think about some of the most successful companies you love: Apple, Pepsi, Nike… what comes to mind first? Can you see their logo? Customers consider a logo when they decide who to trust. It’s the first step to standing out from your competitors and can get you in the door to make the sale. Even if you’re a one-man start-up shop, having a smashing logo can make you look professional and established. Spend your money on a great graphic designer that can capture your personality.

Business Cards

A business card isn’t only a great introduction, but it’s your chance to leave a lasting impression when you use it right. It should give someone more than just where your office is located and your contact information. Use your business card to give people a feeling of your company brand and what it’s like to work with you. Choose a memorable design to make it pop from the stack! Ask that graphic designer if they can cut you a deal to do both your business cards and logo together, and save a few bucks buying in bulk. Get some inspiration with these groovy business card designs or for even more ideas 78 Unique Business Cards that will Boost Your Creativity.

MMT Postcard


Postcards are a great accessory to a business card. With a larger design area to play with, you can say more to hook someone’s attention but you don’t need to say a lot more. Start with a concise, memorable headline. Add a colourful image or graphic, your contact information and logo, and make sure to include a clear call to action. Keep information benefits-focused, not feature-focused, and always use both sides. Leave them wanting more!

Charity Sponsorship

Let’s put aside that whole, feel good, make a difference thing aside for a minute. Spending money supporting a local cause that underscores the values of your business is one of the smartest investments you could make. While each charity differs, recognition can range from website promotion to recognition in e-newsletters, press releases, and at local events. This is the most targeted marketing out there: it puts you directly in front of people who support what you stand for! Are you a lawn care business? Support a local food co-op, or charitable research reserve. Software company? Invest in women’s tech education. Another way to do this is to trade your service or product as an in-kind donation, or offer up your staff to help with planning a fundraising event. There’s no limit to the impact you can make when you put your do-good spirit to work.


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