Whether it’s time to get a jumpstart on a New Year’s resolution, or you’re just tired of being tired, now is a great time to incorporate some stress management strengths to your everyday routine.

Whether it’s time to get a jumpstart on a New Year’s resolution, or you’re just tired of being tired, now is a great time to incorporate some stress management strengths to your everyday routine. Do you wish you were a morning person? Does the thought of Monday morning ruin your Sunday night? We get it. Here are 4 of our strategies to help you manage stress, your time, and amp up productivity.

    1. Wake up at the same time every day, and go to bed at the same time every night 
      Even on weekends. By developing a steady routine you will have more restful sleep, which will lead to stronger creative thinking, increased productivity, less stress, and overall better health. The amount of sleep we need is based on an individual basis, but there is no denying that our brains love routine. Incorporate enhealthy breakfastough time in the morning to confidently prepare for your day and never worry about being late for work or your Saturday morning yoga class ever again.
    2. Eat breakfast
      Coffee may be the elixir of life, but it is not breakfast. Eating a nourishing breakfast stabilizes your blood sugar and keeps your snacking habits manageable. This gives you the energy you need to get things done from the get-go, boosts your mood. Taking the time to make and eat a good breakfast (sorry, no donuts) also gives you time for yourself or with your family to mentally prepare for your day.
    3. Resist the urge to check your email first thing
      Email is guaranteed to suck you into an infinite vortex of distraction. “I’ll just write her back now quickly,” turns into “I’ll just take care of all of these new messages and get them over with,” which becomes, “How did I miss lunch?” and “Now I only have an hour to get this report finished!” Don’t check email first thing in the morning. Or social media. Give yourself at least an hour to tackle the top of your To Do list before you look at email and watch that stressful list become manageable. Email is not an emergency messaging system – that’s what the phone is for.

walking lunch

  1. Go for a walk at lunch
    It’s not just about preventing carpal tunnel syndrome and back problems, although those should be reason enough. Moving your body and experiencing a change in environment stimulates your mood, and primes your brain to take on the rest of your day with renewed enthusiasm.  Manage stress, develop a creative solution, or just regain focus on what’s important by literally changing your focus.


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