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Google Home is a nifty device from the golden age of technology that can be synced with phones and devices, allowing you to - among other things - stream music and control Netflix without using a TV remote. Google Home’s functionality extends to a whole host of verbal commands that can improve your daily routine besides enabling binge sessions for favorite shows on Netflix. Take a look at these Google Home game-changers for your business.


The dreaded feeling of wondering whether you missed an important meeting with a co-worker or client is, well, dreaded. It’s too easy to forget everything that happens in a day, so why not have your pseudo-sentient digital personal assistant remind you of those things? This extends to creating appointments as well; you can plan schedules by individual days, weeks, months, years, or even on an indefinite basis. Say “Okay Google, when is my next meeting?” and Google Home will tell you the next appointment you have scheduled.

Location-based reminders

Google SMB FBCrumple up that grocery list, because Google Home has made shopping that much easier! Well, maybe throw it away after you’ve used Google Home’s location-based reminder feature. The location-based commands can send you reminders to complete tasks when in a specific place. For example, you can tell Google Home to remind you to pick up additional reams of paper or ask about the latest and greatest in thermal printers the next time you’re near an office supply store. Cueing up those reminders can help you to keep on top of your to-do lists, especially when it comes to maintaining supplies at the office.

Smart business!

You can sync many devices and services up with Google Home, giving you control over more aspects of your workspace. Security cameras, thermostats, lights, and connected door locks are all examples of technology that Google Home can interact with, making different aspects of the office that would otherwise require you to do extra tasks accessible from one place. You can sync Google Home with security cameras to check on the office at any hour of the night, or even set up remote-controlled lighting, ideal for those days you fly out the door and forget to hit the light switch on the way out.

Conditional statements

Much like an IF statement in an Excel sheet (If a specific action happens, perform an action, otherwise do something else), Google Home can be set up to use If this, then that (IFTTT) phrases to perform a number of tasks based on a key phrase. For example, imagine saying “OK Google, prepare the office to close” and having the lights turn off and the thermostat reduce its usage overnight. That’s it, you can just walk out the door. Being able to integrate those simple phrases into daily routines can help reduce your overall workload, giving you more time to focus on your tasks at hand and one step closer to leaving the office on time!

If Google Home’s functions appeal to you, taking a look at an even more exhaustive list may just bring you a bit more efficiency to your workspace.

Or fun - everyone enjoys fun, right?

With Google Home sweating the small stuff, you’ve got more time to focus on your digital marketing! Jelly Triangle is here! Contact us to find out how we can help set you and your website up for success.

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